Content Marketing had evolved into one of the best ways to generate quality leads for any marketing organization. Studies have shown that content marketing, if implemented correctly, can generate up to 3 times as many leads than traditional marketing, and it costs 62% less as well! Having said that though, you need to remember that execution is key here. If implemented in a wrong way, it could lead to less than desirable results and a lot of frustration.

So lets look at a few tips regarding effective ways of implementing Content Marketing.

Creating a Buyer Persona according to the product at hand

First of all, the content needs to be customised according to your product. It is very important to understand that different products/ services have different buyer/ client groups. This is where creating the buyer persona comes into play. It is simply a fictional document that you need to have handyto understand things like what income group can afford your product? Is it a unisex product or a gender specific product?

These are just starting points. According to your product, you need to be asking further relevant questions to yourself. And then finally come up with a checklist that describes your buyer persona the best. The content that you put in needs to be based on the buyer persona. Only then can you expect relevant leads. Because lets face it, generating the wrong leads is worse than no lead generation. When wrong leads are being generated and you are following up on them, you are wasting your time and resources on a lead who will probably not even convert into a client or customer.

Content Syndication

A blog is a must for any website. Its a part of your site where you can put up very relevant and previously unknown information, tell people that you are well versed in your industry and generate interest in your product/brand/service offered. But it takes a lot of effort to get your blog noticed or to make sure that people are coming back to your blog. Content Syndication is a great method to get your blog noticed.

This simply means having your content put up on a third-party site which is already popular. Many third-party platforms these days are looking to make deals with companies who are looking for this service. You give them the content that satisfies their customers. Your Brand/ Site gets the exposure it needs, and your blog becomes popular as well. In fact, these platforms even syndicate your content with the best lead generation networks that make sure that potential and valuable leads are being targeted for your content.

And the best part is that these services are offered based on ‘payment for performance’. You only pay for the leads that you actually acquire and no extra resources are wasted.

Lead Magnets

Every site has a ‘subscribe’ button or a form asking them for their personal information. But visitors to any site are weary of immediately hitting that button or giving up their personal information. They already have a lot of junk mail and they need to be convinced that it is worth giving out their contact info to you or to subscribe to your newsletter or updates. So, what do you do?

To capture your lead’s interest, you first have to convince them that you have something valuable to offer. This is where Lead Magnets come in. There are certain types of content you can display on your site that acts as a lead magnet.

⦁ Offer a free download of an e-book that is relevant to your industry
⦁ Offer reports that the lead can download to see the progress of your brand
⦁ Schedule free Webinars and post the information and the sign-up link on your site
⦁ Offer quizzes that your lead can take and provide them with valuable insight
⦁ Have some interesting videos up there that the lead can watch
What do these elements ultimately do for you?
⦁ Your lead may be facing a problem that one of the above magnets can solve
⦁ These types of content are short enough for your lead to go through without them investing too much time
⦁ They are immediately accessible to your lead, without them giving away any personal information

So, ultimately, they help in generating that interest in your visiting lead that can make them return again, be more willing to subscribe or to fill out that query form, and they could potentially become your client!

Content Upgrades

Content Upgrades are a very similar concept as lead magnets, in fact they are lead magnets. But these are just slightly different and studies have shown that they prove very relevant in converting your site visitor in a valuable lead and perhaps a potential customer.

So, what are Content Upgrades?

Say you have a lot of information on your home page or on the page that expands on the services you offer. Your visitor might be interested, but they may not have the time to go through all that content in the present moment. Sure, they can come back and read it when convenient, but chances are that with everything else on their mind, they’ll forget about that interesting site they came across.

Now suppose you have a pdf version the visitor can download of the page and read it in their leisure time, that is a sure shot method to lodge yourself in the memory of that visitor. They can download the pdf version, read it when they have time, and if they like what they read… they come back! Its as simple as that.

These are a few tips and tricks that you can use to make the best out of Content Marketing!

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